Australia Wide
Industrial Products

We Supply a Unique Range of Useful Products for Various Industries.

All Types of Industries

Mining, Education, Hospitality, Health, Marine, Defence etc.

Guaranteed for Strength And Durability

Made with high quality materials and quality tested

Constant Innovation

Always thinking of ways to save on freight and downtime for customers

Welcome to the home of High Quality Australian made Plastic Products

Australia Wide Industrial Products was formed in 2013 when a mining company were having trouble with certain plastic products.

The main issues were the high cost of freight as you were not able to get many to a pallet and also the fact that they were heavy and bulky to carry. From this the design team put their heads together and the Collapsible Safety Sign was born.

Going forward 6 years we have been doing the same ever since, listening to customers issues and finding the best way to overcome the problems, by doing this we are creating new products that will help everyone.

We now make a large range of high quality plastic products like Document Boxes where the lid doesn’t break off, Blast Cones that you don’t have to blow up, a Wheel Chock that takes 6 Tonne to crush and Lockers that are nearly indestructible.

These high quality plastic products can be sent all over Australia with ease, so please have a look at the products that we do and let’s see if we can satisfy your needs for a better product.

Member of ARMA logo

Australia Wide Industrial Products have the ability to Roto mould, Injection Mould and CNC Machined parts or a design, that you require from most Plastic materials, now including recycled Plastic. We are making Lockers for Schools, Safety Signage for Mine Sites / Quarries, Wheel Chocks for vehicles, trailers, mine trucks and earthmoving equipment and also Battery Boxes from 100% Recycled Plastic which we manufacture for the RV Industry.

We now cut parts to order on our new
CNC Machine!

Some of our latest Products

Spill Containment Shed

Spill Pallets

Various sizes available from 90L up to 650L

WC170 Safety Sign

Wheel Chock Safety Sign

WC170 Safety Sign & WC320 Safety Sign

Lockers for school

Quality Lockers

Various sizes & configurations to choose from

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